Our Team
Karen McEldowney-Hay
Grandma Karen was born Karen Hentze. She is part of the Hentze Family Farm’s 4th Generation.
Karen is the energy that makes everything go around here. She runs the farm. She runs the store. She makes the jam. And she takes care of all of us along the way.
Kasey McEldowney-Fay
Kasey is the heart and soul of our operation.
Kasey is the great-great-granddaughter of the farm’s founder, Johan Hentze.
She oversees most of the farming operations. That is, she’s gonna be the one with her hand in the actual dirt the most.
In addition to that, she runs our CSA program. She coordinates our farm events (weddings, etc.). She works tirelessly in whatever capacity she’s needed. Shelling walnuts or getting the chickens fed. Kasey is always moving forward to support the farm and the family.
And she’s doing so with the next generation of woman farmers/entrepreneurs in her back pocket.
Patrick Fay
Patrick works to develop the value added production at Hentze’s.
Whether it’s developing the “farm to table” menu at The Cook Shack, or the planned farm brewery: Hentze Farm Brewing.
Patrick’s talents lie in utilizing and developing the harvests of the farm to carve out a new path for this small family farm.
Contact: patrick@hentzefamilyfarm.com